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Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London
home of The United Grand Lodge of England  

Antient Union 13
North Munster Masonic Centre, Castle Street, King's Island, Limerick

The Warrant no.13 was issued to 'Antient Union Lodge' in Limerick, on the 22nd November 1732. However, this date only coincides with a time when records began.

Lodge 13 have in their archives a old brass square that was found under the foundations of Baals Bridge. This Square dated 1507 is reputed to be one of the earliest Masonic items in the world.



Baals Bridge Square
also known as the Balls Bridge Square


The inscription on side 1 is   "I will strive to live with love & care"
                and on side 2     "upon the level and by the square"

The old brass square, known as the Baal’s Bridge Square, was recovered from the foundations of Baal’s Bridge in Limerick when the bridge was being rebuilt in 1830. It is inscribed  “I will strive to live with Love and Care Upon the Level By the Square” and bears the date, 1507.

This ancient Square, carefully treasured by Lodge 13 is recorded as being presented to Brother Michael Furnell, Provincial Grand Master, by Brother James Pain, (referred to as the Provincial Grand Architect).

In the Freemasons' Quarterly Review, 1842, p. 288, Bro. Furnell, under the date of 27th. August, 1842, printed a short note on this relic of antiquity, accompanying which is a facsimile sketch. He says that Bro. Pain, in 1830, had been contractor for re-building Baals Bridge in Limerick, and on taking down the old structure, he discovered under the foundation stone at the English town side, this old brass square, much eaten away. In the facsimile sketch, Bro, Furnell puts the date as 1517, which is a mistake, as the square bears the date 1507. A heart appears in each angle.

In the book by H. F. Berry, Assistant Keeper of the Irish Records, “The Marencourt Cup and Ancient Square.” dated 1905, Bro. Berry records that “Ball's (or Baals) Bridge is a beautiful structure, of a single arch, built in 1831, to replace an ancient bridge of the same name, which consisted of four arches, with a range of houses on its west side. The date of the erection of this ancient structure has not been ascertained, but possibly the old square, dated 1507, may have been placed, under the foundation stone in that year. In any case, Bro. Furnell informs us that the old bridge is mentioned in records of 1558.